Not Bad, Not Great

Sometimes you get out there and realize you might have been better off not riding today. It was a fine day, but the ride was a bit of a struggle. You know, the kind where half way through you’re ready for it to be done. It wasn’t tough, long or anything else. I just felt like my get up and go had gotten lost.  Happens sometimes. Later that evening, I realized I was feeling a cold or something coming on, so that explained it. I’d blame the symptoms on the Steelers being 0-3, but all this happened well before the game.

Besides all that there were an unusual number of potentially dangerous incidents during the ride. We were alert and avoided collisions but that’s never fun. Most oddly, we encountered another cyclist on our side of the road, in the shoulder, huffing up a steep long hill as we rode down it. What the heck?

Here’s a  video worth sharing about cyclists, drivers and road sharing.

2 thoughts on “Not Bad, Not Great

    • Think you’re right, it’s all part of being a cyclist, or perhaps any endeavor requiring persistent effort. Some days its like play. Some days its just tough. This time, I can blame a virus. Which, I hope, will soon be gone.

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